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Pornstar ELISABETH WEIR Biography

This kinky Russian cosplay model has gained quite lot of internet-fame over the years. Not so surprising at all, considering she is literally all over the internet and uses several different aliases online - Elisabeth Weir (for most of her selfshot porn clips), BatsXlizard (live webcam, among others) and MegaPlayGirl (when streaming on Twitch).

Elisabeth Weir often likes to cosplay her favorite fictional characters - from videogame babes like D.Va to Mega Mindy, comics and anime characters, both in her porn videos, as well when she's getting naughty while streaming live on webcam (at In the mood to masturbate together with this kawaii chick over here?

Curious about her NSFW cosplay videos? You can get access to her premium content by purchasing her porn clips here or by signing up to her premium Snapchat account available at Fancentro. Trust me, you really don't want to miss out on this petite 23 year old ero-cosplayer... If you're a fan of ahegao and cosplay porn, you will love to watch this adult model in action!

Also known as: Elisabeth Weir, BatsXLizard, Mega Play Girl, MegaPlayGirl

Measurements & Wiki
Country: Russia
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Birthday: 22 Jul 1997
Eyes: Green
Cup: 32A
Weight: 42 kg
Height: 157 cm
Hair: Blonde
Views: 10864
2022 Pornstar Trivia
Did you know that... Elisabeth Weir posted 1.407 Tweets in total and has updated her Instagram status 289 times, just last year alone? 2022 sure was a wild year for porn starlet Elisabeth Weir! Now you know!

ELISABETH WEIR Social Media Links

Twitter icon social media Follow @megaplaygirll on Twitter

Instagram icon social media Follow @Megaplaydoll on Instagram

Fancentro icon adult social media Follow ELISABETH WEIR on FanCentro

OnlyFans icon adult social media Follow ELISABETH WEIR on OnlyFans

Follow @batsxlizard on TikTok

Watch @batsxlizard live webcam sex at Chaturbate

Elisabeth Weir's Youtube channel

Follow @megaplaygirl on Twitch

Second Instagram: @batsxlizard

Second Twitter: @batsxlizard

Photography icon ELISABETH WEIR nude selfies website icon Watch @megaplaygirl live sex shows on Camsoda

Videos icon Watch ELISABETH WEIR's selfshot sex videos

Virtual reality icon Watch Elisabeth Weir's VR Scenes website icon Watch ELISABETH WEIR @ Adult Time
Over 55.000+ XXX Videos

Blonde webcam model on Camsoda banner

ELISABETH WEIR's naughty selfies

ELISABETH WEIR's social media stats

Monthly comparison of social activity, ranking and growth (july 2023 vs june 2023)

Twitter rank
Twitter Fans -0.93%
-319 followers (last month) -0.93% change

Monthly Twitter Activity

Total Twitter Followers: 34.203
Monthly New Followers: -319
Monthly Change: -0.93%
Total Tweets: 7702
Tweets Last Month: 867

Monthly Instagram Activity

We're sorry, seems like we haven't collected enough data yet...

Free ELISABETH WEIR XXX Clips website icon Watch ELISABETH WEIR HD & 4K porn videos at PornHub Premium

Jerkmate banner live adult webcams

Free ELISABETH WEIR Links & Galleries

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WWW icon Find free ELISABETH WEIR galleries on Indexxx

The 2022 Social Media Stats Year Report

2022's social media activity of adult film star Elisabeth Weir visualized (Monthly Posts vs Growth)

2022 Monthly Social Media Posts

Still actively updating her social media handles? In 2022, Elisabeth Weir published 1407 new Tweets and a total of 289 times on Instagram.

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2022 Monthly Followers Growth

More fans on the social media platform Twitter or Instagram? Comparison of monthly followers growth, between January and December of 2022.

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Block Number: 657
Block Version: 1
Timestamp: 1615380934

Previous Hash:
ELISABETH WEIR|Also known as: Elisabeth Weir, BatsXLizard, Mega Play Girl, MegaPlayGirl|Country: Russia|Ethnicity: Caucasian|Measurements: |Birthday: 22 Jul 1997|Eyes: Green|Cup: 32A|Weight: 42 kg|Height: 157 cm|Hair: Blonde|megaplaygirll|None|Megaplaydoll|None|megaplaygirl

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"camsoda": "megaplaygirl"
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Twitter icon Instagram icon Fancentro icon - adult social media OnlyFans icon - adult social media Webcam icon Video icon

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<iframe src="" height="120" width="300" scrolling="no" frameBorder="0"></iframe>