The cute and sexy asian babe Annie Cruz follows the trend of quite a few other die-hard porn actresses by debuting at the age of just 18. Her first scene was an asian themed lesbian (girl on girl) scene, recorded in 2003. Annie has starred in over 450 porn movies during her career, which is quite an impressive amount. She won the award for Squirt Queen of the Year in 2008.
Besides her work in the adult entertainment industry, Annie Cruz also had a couple of small roles in mainstream TV shows and movies as well. She has also wrestled for (WEW) Women's Extreme Wrestling. Annie Cruz is active on most big social media platforms, has her own podcast, and even streams (on Twitch) while she's gaming. In other words; one fine sexy multi talent... Ladies and gentlemen, time to follow Annie fuckin' Cruz!
Also known as: Anne Cruz, The Scorpion
During her career in the adult film industry, pornstar Annie Cruz has won a total of 1 adult film industry awards as of June, 2025.
* For more details, the entire list of awards, different categories, all nominations or the dates and year(s) in which Annie Cruz has won a prestigious adult business award, we suggest you visit Annie Cruz's profile @, the largest adult industry awards database on the web.
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Follow pornstar @anniecruz on Instagram and discover even more sexy photos and clips of Annie Cruz... Everyone that's active on Instagram knows how much eye-candy there is to be found on the platform. There is just so much hot content being shared by the many sizzling hot adult film stars on Instagram that it can be hard to choose where to start. Well, how about starting out with the total stunner Annie Cruz right here? Instagram is also great to discover even more ultra sexy exotic asian girls such as Annie Cruz here below... My fortune cookie is predicting that a boner is on its way!
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